Let your community help you find something to watch.
Role: UI/UX Designer and UX Researcher | Tools: Figma and Adobe Suite | Project: Mobile App | Timeline: 4 weeks (80 hours)
*This is a unsolicited design. Netflix is a successful business and probably has a reason for not having social features. This design is for a design program project and I love Netflix,thus I wanted to do a project on them.
Netflix is the leading streaming platform and it has thousands of shows to watch from. There shouldn’t be a problem for the average viewer to quickly choose a show. However, there is a thing called the Paradox of Choice, where you have too many options to choose from and you get overwhelmed and stressed out. Netflix tried to solve this by building an algorithm that recommends shows to their users. Despite their efforts, when I go on Netflix I still get overwhelmed by the options and I would browse through their movies for more than 15 minutes. Since I have invested much time on Netflix, I used my design skills and research to figure out if there is a better way to be satisfied with my show choice so I could enjoy my dinner.
Netflix has too many options when it comes to choosing something to watch. The Top 10 and Recommendations from Netflix could get boring and repetitive after a while. Users take too long looking for something to watch and sometimes they end up watching something mediocre.
Add a feature or features that would improve the overall experience of Netflix
A solution that would give recommendations that isn’t just from Netflix’s Recommendations
Netflix as a whole is a pretty awesome app. So when I decided to tackle this project, I was worried that there wasn’t much I could do. After researching and interviewing, I discovered that despite Netflix having such a large library, it caused the dilemma of not knowing what to watch. Thus, I designed features where your community could help you find something to watch. I was inspired from my experience how the video community helps me find something to play. Hopefully, this would reduce user’s search time.
Let your community help you find something to watch
The Netflix homepage has a new twist, now you could see if your friends have watch shows on your feed. Watching something your friends watch gives you a sense of community.
Discover the latest shows your friends are watching
With this feature you could see what shows your friends are currently watching.
Create a playlist that you could share with your friends
Netflix current “playlist” feature doesn’t let you share with your friends. If you are stuck with finding something to watch, maybe a playlist from your friend would help.

Before I did user research, I researched on the market for streaming platforms to understand how the industry works.
I created a research plan that guided me along the process.
Goals for the research
Understand the market for the streaming platform; what drives the market and trends
Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the competitors
Identify what the users are currently struggling with on Netflix
Users are bored with the Netflix Recommendations
Users take a while to find something to watch
Market Research
From the market research, I was able to identify some of the trends for Netflix and issues it is having:
Netflix is popular among millennials and less among the older population
People spend at least 3 hours a day on Netflix
People take 60-90 seconds to look for a show before they give up
Average time to look for a show is 17-18 minutes
209 million subscribers in 2021 and made $7.3 billion
Netflix recommendation is 80 percent of all the hours people spend on Netflix
Netflix has more than 15,000 movies and tv series
People spent 187 hours in a year looking for movies or tv series on Netflix
23 percent of US adults use Netflix daily
More than 50 percent of US streaming subscribers use Netflix
I created a survey to understand what is user’s experience with Netflix and some of the issues they encountered. It provided me with quantitative and qualitative data with their overall experience.
Some questions on the survey:
How long does it take you to find a show on Netflix?
How do you find shows to watch on Netflix?
What feature or social feature do you wish Netflix had?
What is your experience with the way Netflix is organized?
73.3% of 15 of participants want to see what their friends watch
66.7% of 15 participants take more than 5 minutes to find something to watch on Netflix
46% of 15 participants watch something their friends recommend
46% of 15 participants want to be able to interact with their friends
20% of 15 participants want to see the rating of the show
1:1 Interviews
I created an interview guide to help me conduct the user interviews.
Some questions I asked:
How long does it take you to find a new show to watch?
How many hours do you spend on Netflix?
What would make you spend more time on Netflix?
How do you find a new show to watch?
3/5 participants take 10 minutes or more to find something to watch
4/5 participants watch something recommended from a friend
3/5 participants want a social feature where they could see what their friends are watching
3/5 participants think Netflix needs more content
From my research, I created a persona. This is Bradley; he helped me as I moved forward with my design decisions.

Project Goals
After I synthesized the interview, I created a diagram with the Business, User, and Technical goals for the features. I focused on the goals that overlaps.
Feature Product Roadmap
With the goals established, I prioritized the features to add to Netflix. I made a feature product roadmap with what I wanted to prioritize: Must Have, Nice to Have, and Come Later.
Netflix sitemap was already established, so I just added my features to their sitemap.
User Flow
For the user flow, it would be different scenarios that Bradley could do. He could explore the home feed to see what’s popular with his friends, go to his friends to see what they are watching, go on a friend’s page to see what their favorite shows and playlist, and create his playlists.


Prototype and Test
Usability Test
With the completion of the mid fidelity mockups, I conducted usability tests in order to understand what could be improved in future iterations.
I made a usability guide to help me conduct the tests.
Participants: 5
Age: 20-30
Remote Video Call
Think Aloud
Understand the flow of the feature within Netflix
Identify the pain points
Identify visual issues
See what your friends are watching and create your own playlist
Pain Points
3/5 participants wanted to sort their friends
5/5 participants wanted to use the three dots to add a show
3/5 participants don’t want to add an image
3/5 participants said the text is too small on some areas
2/5 participants wanted to click on a whole area on the friend’s playing rather than the small text
Improvements for revision:
There should be a sort option for friends
The three dots should be an option for adding a show
Text should be increased to a bigger size
Layout on the app could be improved
These are the major revisions that I believed should be a priority before I continued with my final iteration.
This is my first project where I got to work on a tech brand. The task to add a feature was quite daunting. I had to keep in mind the scope and time frame. The biggest thing I learned was figuring out a way to add the feature without disrupting the system design Netflix already has. I wanted to add the feature where it felt natural to the rest of the app. Netflix is definitely a favorite app of mine and I really wanted to discover a way to improve its overall experience. Hopefully, by adding a friend feature and letting users make playlists I enhanced the users’ experience.
Next Steps
I would give the deliverables to my client
Handoff to the developer team
Iterate more using the Agile method
Things I would do next time
I would be more mindful of font sizes as I didn’t have as much experience working on mobile apps.
Create more functions that would work when doing a usability test. A lot of my participants were tapping on functions that didn’t work.